Category Tourism

Major tourism markets to the Maldives

The figure illustrates tourists arrival to the Maldives from different regions. The log scale helps us to understand rate of change. Some notable changes include stagnation of European market from 2005-2015, and slowdown of Asian market since 2015. On the…

Data visualisation

Do hotels with higher guest ratings have higher room prices? [ ask guests to give a score between 1 to 10 based on each of following items (services) of the hotels: cleanliness, comfort, location, facilities, staff and value for money]…

Evolution of tourism industry in the Maldives

Although Maldives is a small country, it presents an interesting case to anyone interested in those factors associated with tourism flow because it has one of the most well-developed tourism industry among island economies. However, the questions arise as to…

Factors relevant to international tourist flow

As highlighted through a survey of early studies of international tourism by Sinclair (1998), income from tourism contributes significantly to the developing countries, in particular to the SIDS. Yet, few studies have rigorously investigated the factors that influence international tourist…

Factors associated with hotel room prices in Maldives

What do consumers value in tourism? This question is of practical interest to the $1.2 trillion/year world tourism industry, policy makers in tourism-dependent countries such as Maldives, as well as economists interested in the theory of consumer behavior.[1]Answering this question…